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Go to Lesson 3a
Go to Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker Course Forum
Instructor: Steve J. Davis, RYT, LMT, BCTMB
NCBTMB Approved Provider #1122
Copyright 2017-2024 by Steve J Davis. All Rights Reserved
Lesson 3 Ethics Course
- Lesson 3: Case Studies in Ethics with Commentary and Reference to NCBTMB Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
- Correspondence with the Instructor: Lesson 3 Ethics.
1 CE Contact Hour/Ethics/Interactive Distance Learning or Home Study
- You may take the course at any time. This is an Interactive Distance Learning (CONTACT HOURS) Continuing Education Course. If you require a Live Webinar in your State for your CE Hours, then let me know, and we will schedule it.
- This course covers everything required for full compliance with the Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker, Lesson 3 and Correspondence with the Instructor: Lesson 3 Ethics.
- Instructor Steve J. Davis, RYT, LMT, BCTMB is present in the Interactive Distance Learning Continuing Education Course environment to answer any questions, as well as student to student interaction in the Private: Private: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker Course Forum.
- For Home Study, you may take the course at any time. If you need credit for the Interactive Distance Learning Course (Contact Hours), you must participate in the Private: Private: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker Course Forum. as well as correspond with the Instructor in Correspondence with the Instructor: Lesson 1: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker.
- This course covers everything required for full compliance with Lesson 3: Case Studies in Ethics with Commentary and Reference to NCBTMB Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, and Correspondence with the Instructor: Lesson 3 Ethics.
- A Multiple Choice Exam of 5 questions is given for Lesson 3. 80% passing score is required. Correspondence with the Instructor: Lesson 3 Ethics is a correspondence lesson between you and me, the Instructor. The Certificate of Completion is available after successful completion of the course. You must complete all 2 Lessons in order to pass the Course.
- You can find and download your Certificate of Completion at My Courses page. Click on Active Courses. You can access your Certificate of Completion at Completed Courses, and see your progress and transcript, under View Results.
- If you do not pass the exam for each lesson, just reset it, and try again.
- All of the courses will change as needed, and have the calendar year in the name.
- Namaste!
Let me know what you thought of the course, and a review is always appreciated!
In order to leave a review, you must be logged in. See above, last link under the Courses Overview drop-down menu.
Please keep in touch.
Best regards always,