For a FULL LIST of all 33 CE Courses in one page, please go to Full List of All CE Course Product Pages. This shows you all 33 CE Courses for purchase. The links will be the product page for each CE Course, not the Course page.
Gift Certificates for CE Courses
Please make sure and let me know the recipient’s first and last name, email address, mailing address, and phone number, so that they can be manually registered for the Course and receive credit on the Certificate of Completion. If you are purchasing multiple Gift Certificates, include the list of recipients in the notes. You can also email me with this information. steve.davis@
Thank you for Paying It Forward and helping to make the world a better place!
For a FULL LIST in one page of all 33 CE Course pages with links to every Lesson, Quiz, and other important links that apply to each CE Course, please go to Every Course Page with Important Links. Please note that every CE Course already has these links. I am doing this to make things as easy as possible for you.
Update 29 June 2024
I have stopped all emails being sent from the Private Forum subscriptions, because of ongoing problems with duplicate emails being sent. This does not affect the function of our Private Forums. Please continue to post in our Private Forums. You can see the most recent posts, and reply to your Colleagues. All this change means is that there are no emails going out when someone makes a post, either a reply to a topic, or posts a new topic. There is a wealth of knowledge here, only for registered students, Licensed Healthcare Professionals. And you are required to post for your Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning Environment. We now have over 1500 registered users on our site. Most are LMTs from Oregon. Everything is working correctly.
Current 29 June 2024: This forum has 260 topics, 2,605 replies, and a link to the most recent post.
Current 29 June 2024: This forum has 92 topics, 686 replies, and a link to the most recent post.
Thank you!
Steve J Davis, RYT, LMT, BCTMB, NCBTMB APCE, CPP, FAA Remote Pilot sUAS, DTM
Founder and Owner, Healing Light Yoga and Massage
Update 25 March 2024
This page contains all the answers to your most frequently asked questions and all of the information you need. If it does not, then write directly to me here: steve.davis@healinglight.info, and I will answer them. Please read the information on this page. Everything is working fine! If you find any error, please bring it to my attention and I will look into it immediately and fix any problem. Computers are machines. We are human beings. Please honor and respect all persons and all living beings equally. Be of Service. Love All. These are the principles that I have honored, lived by, and upheld for my entire life. I am 71 years old, and I have worked very hard since the age of 6.
Starting your CE Course
To start your CE Course, go to My Courses. Go to the first Lesson page, and then to the Quiz page for that Lesson.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page after you pass all of the Lessons and Exams in your CE Course.
For your CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning CE Course environment, please remember to write some posts in our Private Forum. It is on the honor system.
The Crucible of Healing
Be of Service. Respect is the foundation of my Life, my Professional Practice as a Healthcare Provider, Instructor, and the Path of Yoga.
Communication, Professional Roles and Boundaries are inseparable in the Therapeutic Professional Relationship between the Therapist and each Client. Focusing on the task at hand is crucial and important at all times. Do No Harm, Safety, Results.
A Treatment Plan is always very important, updating that Treatment Plan as needed, and the results of that Treatment Plan, the Outcome.
The Standard of Care, Assessment, Scope of Practice, Informed Consent, Power Differential, Transference, Dual and Multidimensional Relationships, Privacy and Confidentiality, Duty to Report, Autonomy of the Therapist and each Client. The NCBTMB Code of Ethics, Communication, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Standards of Practice are important, as well as adhering to the OBMT administrative rules, applicable Statutes applying to Healthcare Providers in the State of Oregon, other States, Federal Laws, HIPAA regulations, and more.
The same is true with the Instructor and each Student. All of us are equal. Respect every person and every living being equally. Try to help each other, and to make the world a better place.
Let’s remember the lessons gained from experiences in life, and apply them into the Present Moment, the Domain of Life. The COVID-19 Pandemic must be put behind us, the difficult economy we are experiencing with inflation, infrastructure, supply chain problems, and technology issues including criminal hacking attempts. I have never had any site hacked; security is always strong and up to date, and this is maintained at all times.
We need to stop all of the Wars. Let there be Peace, and that is the foundation of all Cultures, Art, Science, and Knowledge. War destroys everything.
This Crucible of Healing is being written with every experience, as life itself is being created in every moment. Let’s build a new world that respects all persons and all living beings equally. Honor Life and all of Nature.
- Respect All People and All Living Beings Equally
- Be of Service
- Love All
My Studio Policy can be summed up in three points:
- Do No Harm
- Safety
- Results
Thank you! Namaste!
For your CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning CE Course environment, please remember to write some posts in our Private Forum. It is on the honor system.
For every CE Course:
Please write at least two posts per CE Course (not per Lesson) in the appropriate Private Forum (Ethics or Science) for your CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning Course environment.
Your Certificate of Completion is not valid for CE Contact Hours unless you write some posts in our Private Forum.
You can see both the Ethics Private Forum and the Science Private Forum at this link.
Current 29 June 2024: This forum has 260 topics, 2,605 replies, and a link to the most recent post.
Current 29 June 2024: This forum has 92 topics, 686 replies, and a link to the most recent post.
And you can search each Forum to see the topics.
Control-F for Windows PC, Command-F for Mac OS.
Type in search term. The results of that keyword or phrase should be there if they are found. Then you can scroll through the results by using the up and down arrows within the results.
And you can also search each topic to find results that are more specific to posts and replies within that topic.
Another way to search for results.
You can look in our Private Forums and use search terms to find out what other LMTs have had happen to them and the outcome of each situation.
Posting Etiquette in our Private Forums
Please do not spam our Private Forums with duplicate posts. Also, please read your post carefully and wait to hit the Submit button when you are satisfied with your post. That may help to eliminate the need to edit it when you have already submitted your post. Each time you edit it an email is sent out to everyone subscribed to that topic. Please wait until the X disappears at the upper left side of your browser screen. The X means that the page is still loading. It may take a few seconds to complete loading.
Please reply to posts rather than create new topics, if you can, because that makes it much easier for all of us to find information, and it keeps everything organized. If you are replying to a post, please mention or quote that post and include a link to it, so we know who and what you are replying to. Thank you!
Please keep posts relative to the specific topic in each thread and to the specific Private Forum.
The intention of our Private Forums is to help all of us to succeed, and to help elevate our Healthcare Profession to the highest standard. It is not social media. We have two Private Professional Forums that are only for Healthcare Professionals registered in CE Courses at my site; the Ethics Private Forum, and the Science Private Forum.
I think that you will find many valuable discussions and great information on our Private Forums.
Please see this post – link immediately below – in our Ethics Private Forum. You must be logged in to see it.
New Search function for the Private Forums added at the top bar
Here is the standard reminder about our Private Forums
Please respect the privacy of these Forums. They are only for Professional Healthcare Colleagues who are registered for the CE Courses. Do not share any posts that you find here.
We have over 1,500 Healthcare Professionals on our site now, and most of them are Oregon LMTs.
Logging in
It may be helpful to check the box when logging in that says Remember me. That will allow you to stay logged in for much longer.
If you are not logged in to the site, the Private Forum pages will return an error message: Page not found! That is a good way to see if you are logged in or not. If you need to log in, just log in with your username or email and password.
If you are not logged in, you cannot take any CE Course that you are registered in, and if you are at a CE Course that you are not registered in, then you cannot take that CE Course without being registered in it and logged in.
If you are already logged in, the system may not let you log in again, depending on the number of attempts, because you are already logged in. Please do not try to continually log in again and again, and there is no reason to continually change your password. There is also no reason to create duplicate user accounts. It will get you flagged as a suspicious account and you will be locked out, per the system settings. This is normal per any WordPress site, not just this one.
I have reinstalled the Google Translate widget at the top bar. It will translate my entire site into the language of your choice.
I hope this helps!
Thank you! Best Regards!
All of my CE Courses are Interactive Distance Learning Courses for CE Contact Hours in Science, Ethics, and Cultural Competency.
All Ethics CE Courses include Healthcare Provider licensing requirements for Continuing Education in Ethics, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Communication.
To create your account, the link is on the same page as the links to login/logout, to change your password, or if you have forgotten your password. Here is the link to register a new account. Here is the link to login/logout.
You may start them at any time, on your schedule. There is no time limit, and you are always welcome. To start your CE Course, go to My Courses.
You always have access to all courses that you have completed, and that you are actively taking on my site. That does not mean taking them over and over again once you have completed the CE Course once. It will overwrite your Transcripts and Certificate of Completion, and that is not allowed. Thank you!
You can change your password without any assistance. Just reset your password. It is on the same page.
Make sure and check your Spam folder. Emails are sent from WordPress.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page after you pass all of the Lessons and Exams in your CE Course.
Write at least two posts per CE Course (not per Lesson) in the appropriate Private Forum (Ethics or Science) for your CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning Course environment.
To see all Courses to purchase
For a FULL LIST of all 33 CE Courses in one page, please go to Full List of All CE Course Product Pages. This shows you all 33 CE Courses for purchase. The links will be the product page for each CE Course, not the Course page.
Gift Certificates for CE Courses:
Please make sure and let me know the recipient’s first and last name, email address, mailing address, and phone number, so that they can be manually registered for the Course and receive credit on the Certificate of Completion. If you are purchasing multiple Gift Certificates, include the list of recipients in the notes. You can also email me with this information. steve.davis@healinglight.info
Thank you for Paying It Forward and helping to make the world a better place!
To see all Course pages and all links
For a FULL LIST in one page of all 33 CE Course pages with links to every Lesson, Quiz, and other important links that apply to each CE Course, please go to Every Course Page with Important Links. Please note that every CE Course already has these links. I am doing this to make things as easy as possible for you.
For directions to navigate the site, and how to participate in our Interactive Distance Learning CE Courses for CE Contact Hours, please continue reading this page in full.
Please let me know or any of our Support Agents know if you have any questions or need assistance.
For Professional Photography, Videography and Cinematography, please see https://starperformer.org and contact me there.
Portrait, Product, Story and Professional Brand Development, Video Reel, Event, Drone, Photography, Videography and Cinematography.
Best Regards!
Steve J Davis, RYT, LMT, BCTMB, NCBTMB APCE, CPP, CPP Liaison, FAA Remote Pilot sUAS, DTM
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Are your CE – Continuing Education Courses accepted for Interactive Distance Learning, Supervised Learning, Supervised Education, CE Contact Hours for the OBMT – Oregon Board of Massage Therapists?
Answer: Yes! All of my CE Courses are Interactive Distance Learning Courses for CE Contact Hours in Science, Ethics, and Cultural Competency. For more information please see these links:
From OBMT website, most recent version:
Board of Massage Therapists
Chapter 334
Division 1
OAR 334-001-0060
Continuing Education
Question: Is the Ethics Course acceptable for my LMT License renewal in the State of Oregon? What about other States?
Answer: Yes, as stated. The Ethics Courses are accepted in every State that has an Ethics CE requirement. For Oregon, you must be present in the Interactive Distance Learning Course environment, and pass all the exams.
More information about my CE Courses is located at these links or scroll down.
Cultural Competency CE Courses
CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning CE Course environment
Gift Certificates for CE Courses
Question: How do I pay for my CE Course(s)?
Answer: Go to the CE Course product page for the CE Course that you wish to register in, fill out the amount that you wish to pay, and click on the blue button that says Pay It Forward!
Continue shopping to add more CE Courses, OR
Continue to your Shopping Cart to pay with your credit or debit card through Square or with your PayPal account.
Question: How do I register my User Account?
Answer: To create your account, the link is on the same page as the links to login/logout, to change your password, or if you have forgotten your password. Here is the link to register a new account. Here is the link to login/logout.
You may start them at any time, on your schedule. There is no time limit, and you are always welcome. To start your CE Course, go to My Courses. If you are not logged in, you will see the Login page there.
You can change your password without any assistance. Just reset your password. It is on the same page.
Make sure and check your Spam folder. Emails are sent from WordPress.
If you are already logged in, the system may not let you log in again, depending on the number of attempts, because you are already logged in. Please do not try to continually log in again and again, and there is no reason to continually change your password. There is also no reason to create duplicate user accounts. It will get you flagged as a suspicious account and you will be locked out, per the system settings. This is normal per any WordPress site, not just this one.
Login instructions
Please write down your user name, email address, and your password at the time of your registration. If you can see any CE Course that you are registered in, any Lesson that you are registered in, any Quiz for Lessons that you are registered in, and the Private Forum pages, then you are logged in.
Here is the link to login/logout. You can change your password without any assistance. Just reset your password. It is on the same page.
Make sure and check your Spam folder. Emails are sent from WordPress.
Logging in
It may be helpful to check the box when logging in that says Remember me. That will allow you to stay logged in for much longer.
If you are not logged in to the site, the Private Forum pages will return an error message: Page not found! If you need to log in, just log in with your username or email and password.
If you are not logged in, you cannot take any CE Course that you are registered in, and if you are at a CE Course that you are not registered in, then you cannot take that CE Course without being registered in it and logged in.
If you are already logged in, the system may not let you log in again, depending on the number of attempts, because you are already logged in. Please do not try to continually log in again and again, and there is no reason to continually change your password. There is also no reason to create duplicate user accounts. It will get you flagged as a suspicious account and you will be locked out, per the system settings. This is normal per any WordPress site, not just this one.
I can see everything that is happening in real time. I do try to help immediately, if there is any problem.
There are precise records of every action of every visitor and every action of every user account on this site.
If you need help logging in, please let me or any of our Support Agents know. Usernames cannot be changed. You can change your email address if needed.
You can change your password without any assistance. Just reset your password.
Starting the CE Course
To start your CE Course, go to My Courses. Start the first Lesson. Scroll down the page to see the password for the videos.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page after you pass all of the Lessons and Exams in your CE Course.
For a FULL LIST in one page of all 33 CE Course pages with links to every Lesson, Quiz, and other important links that apply to each CE Course, please go to Every Course Page with Important Links. Please note that every CE Course already has these links. I am doing this to make things as easy as possible for you.
Science Courses
Interactive Distance Learning Science CE Courses for CE Contact Hours
FULL COURSE 61.5 CE Contact Hours/Science
There are 14 Learning Objectives for the full Course. In addition, there are many Learning Outcomes, unique to each Lesson.
- Accurate observation of the client or patient.
- Assessment of posture.
- Plumb line photos. How to set them up, take them, and also the analysis of the plumb line photos.
- Musculoskeletal balance assessment.
- Gait analysis, also with video, which I recommend, for both you and the client to study.
- Movement analysis, also with video for the same reasons.
- Develop a treatment plan, and how to modify it, as you are going along with your sessions.
- Physics relating to movement, posture, and musculoskeletal balance.
- Clinical practice overview.
- In-depth study of methods.
- Pathology.
- Healing Light Kata, a movement form of exercises that I have developed. It is a fusion of Supreme Ultimate Fist, Yoga, and Posture Exercises designed to bring the body into neutral posture and musculoskeletal balance, focus the mind for accurate perception and accurate memory, flowing into the correct path.
- Focused Massage Therapy, a fusion of ten modalities that I use in my practice.
- Conclusion with Case Studies and Outcomes.
The fastest way to get through the Science CE Courses in Stage 1, Theory, and Stage 2, Method, is to study the Text on the Lesson page and the Lesson PowerPoint PDF and/or Lesson PowerPoint video. Have two tabs open, one for the Lesson page and one for the Quiz. You can do word searches. Control F for PC, and Command F for Mac.
Look up the questions, choices for the best answers, and compare the content.
Take the multiple choice exam for each lesson. You must get 80% right to pass the exam. Submit for automatic grading by clicking the COMPLETE QUIZ button at the bottom of the page.
If you don’t pass the quiz, just reset it and try again. Make sure that you refresh your browser on the Quiz page, so that it is not holding the old answers.
For the Science CE Courses, The Library is considered a Lesson. Please remember to click the green COMPLETE LESSON button at the end of the Library Page in order to receive your Certificate of Completion. There is no quiz for the Library. Each CE Course has a different Library Lesson.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page.
For a FULL LIST in one page of all 33 CE Course pages with links to every Lesson, Quiz, and other important links that apply to each CE Course, please go to Every Course Page with Important Links. Please note that every CE Course already has these links. I am doing this to make things as easy as possible for you.
Ethics CE Courses
All Ethics CE Courses include Healthcare Provider licensing requirements for Continuing Education in Ethics, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Communication.
The password for the videos is there on the Lesson page. The password is love
Take the multiple choice exam for each lesson. You must get 80% right to pass the exam. Submit for automatic grading by clicking the COMPLETE QUIZ button at the bottom of the page. Make sure that you refresh your browser on the Quiz page, so that it is not holding the old answers.
For your Ethics CE Course, please see this topic in our Ethics Private Forum.
For the 4 CE Contact Hours Ethics Course, and all of the Ethics CE Courses for CE Contact Hours, I have to grade the final Lesson manually. It is an essay quiz. Submit for manual grading by clicking the COMPLETE QUIZ button at the bottom of the page.
I grade Essay Exams every day during my business hours of 9 am to 7 pm Pacific Time, every day, seven days per week.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page after you pass all of the Lessons and Exams in your CE Course.
See this page for more information. FAQ for Ethics CE Courses
For a FULL LIST in one page of all 33 CE Course pages with links to every Lesson, Quiz, and other important links that apply to each CE Course, please go to Every Course Page with Important Links. Please note that every CE Course already has these links. I am doing this to make things as easy as possible for you.
Cultural Competency CE Courses
The password for the video and the Transcript PDF is there on the Lesson page.
The password for the video and the Transcript PDF is love
Please note that you will be tested on the content from the Lecture Video only. This Video is fully Transcribed. You can read the Transcript PDF and get the same information. You can see the Lesson Quiz in advance to see the Test Questions and possible multiple choice answers. You can do word searches in the Transcript PDF to find the correct answers to the Lesson Quiz. The Selected References given on the Lesson 1 page are for your further study. You can also find more information in our Forums › Private: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker › Cultural Competency 2023-2024.
Take the multiple choice exam for each lesson. You must get 80% right to pass the exam. Submit for automatic grading by clicking the COMPLETE QUIZ button at the bottom of the page.
If you don’t pass the quiz, just reset it and try again. Make sure that you refresh your browser on the Quiz page, so that it is not holding the old answers.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page.
For a FULL LIST in one page of all 33 CE Course pages with links to every Lesson, Quiz, and other important links that apply to each CE Course, please go to Every Course Page with Important Links. Please note that every CE Course already has these links. I am doing this to make things as easy as possible for you.
CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning CE Course environment
For your CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning CE Course environment, please remember to write some posts in our Private Forum. It is on the honor system.
Your Certificate of Completion is not valid for CE Contact Hours unless you write some posts in our Private Forum.
For every CE Course:
Write at least two posts per CE Course (not per Lesson) in the appropriate Private Forum (Ethics or Science) for your CE Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning Course environment.
You can see both the Ethics Private Forum and the Science Private Forum at this link.
Current 23 June 2024: This forum has 259 topics, 2,592 replies, and a link to the most recent post.
Current 23 June 2024: This forum has 92 topics, 686 replies, and a link to the most recent post.
And you can search each Forum to see the topics.
Control-F for Windows PC, Command-F for Mac OS.
Type in search term. The results of that keyword or phrase should be there if they are found. Then you can scroll through the results by using the up and down arrows within the results.
And you can also search each topic to find results that are more specific to posts and replies within that topic.
Another way to search for results.
You can look in our Private Forums and use search terms to find out what other LMTs have had happen to them and the outcome of each situation.
Posting Etiquette in our Private Forums
Please do not spam our Private Forums with duplicate posts. Please reply to posts rather than create new topics, if you can, because that makes it much easier to find information for all of us, and it keeps everything organized. If you are replying to a post, please quote that post and include a link to it, so we know who and what you are replying to. Thank you!
Please keep posts relative to the specific topic in each thread and to the specific Private Forum.
The intention of our Private Forums is to help all of us to succeed, and to help elevate our Healthcare Profession to the highest standard. It is not social media. We have two Private Professional Forums that are only for Healthcare Professionals registered in CE Courses at my site; the Ethics Private Forum, and the Science Private Forum.
I think that you will find many valuable discussions and great information on our Private Forums.
Here is the standard reminder about our Private Forums.
Please respect the privacy of these Forums. They are only for Professional Healthcare Colleagues who are registered for the CE Courses. Do not share any posts that you find here. Thank you.
We have over 1,500 Healthcare Professionals on our site now, and most of them are Oregon LMTs.
The OBMT – Oregon Board of Massage Therapists – temporarily relaxed this CE rule in March 2020 because of the Pandemic. It is back in force as of the end of March 2023.
All you need to do to subscribe/unsubscribe to the Ethics Private Forum or the Science Private Forum is to log in, go to the specific Private Forum, and click on one link. It will say subscribe/unsubscribe, depending on what you have set before.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to each topic, then go to that topic, and do the same.
You are welcome to post in both the Ethics Private Forum and the Science Private Forum.
Please see the Ethics Private Forum Instructions, and the Science Private Forum Instructions.
To explore our Private Forums, please see this thread. You must be logged in to see it.
New Search function for the Private Forums added at the top bar
There may be more answers as time goes on, so please keep subscribed (subscribe/unsubscribe link is located just under the title of each Private Forum at the top) and remember to click the box under your post that says Notify me of follow-up replies via email.
Update 29 June 2024
I have stopped all emails being sent from the Private Forum subscriptions, because of ongoing problems with duplicate emails being sent. This does not affect the function of our Private Forums. Please continue to post in our Private Forums. You can see the most recent posts, and reply to your Colleagues. All this change means is that there are no emails going out when someone makes a post, either a reply to a topic, or posts a new topic. There is a wealth of knowledge here, only for registered students, Licensed Healthcare Professionals. And you are required to post for your Contact Hours requirement in our Interactive Distance Learning Environment. We now have over 1500 registered users on our site. Most are LMTs from Oregon. Everything is working correctly.
Once you post, you can see your profile next to your post in the Private Forum. Click on your name to see your profile. You can add your photo, information about yourself, manage your subscriptions to topics, see your posts, and see replies to your posts from other students and from me, your instructor.
Your Certificate of Completion will be available in your My Courses page after you pass all of the Lessons and Exams in your CE Course.
Gift Certificates for CE Courses
I have added new Gift Certificates for CE Courses – click on the link to see the full list – to make it easier for you to help others, purchase CE Courses for your Professional Healthcare Colleagues, Independent Contractors, and Employees.
Please make sure and let me know the recipient’s first and last name, email address, mailing address, and phone number, so that they can be manually registered for the Course and receive credit on the Certificate of Completion. If you are purchasing multiple Gift Certificates, include the list of recipients in the notes. You can also email me with this information. steve.davis@healinglight.info
Thank you for Paying It Forward and helping to make the world a better place!
Best Regards!
Current statistics. 10 Posts, 69 Pages, 197 Comments, 1,423 Users, 341 Topics, 3,117 Replies, 284 Topic Tags, 33 Courses, 104 Lessons, 464 Questions.
Earlier updates are below.
Update 1 July 2023
I have gone through 1229 User Accounts, through both Private Forums, each page of 20 at a time, and that is 126 pages, and manually unsubscribed every single person from both Private Forums. The Ethics Private Forum, and the Science Private Forum. There are currently 325 Topics, with people subscribed to those. If you wish to unsubscribe yourself from the Topics that you subscribed to, then please login, see your Private Forum Profile – it will be this URL https://healinglight.info/forums/users/YOUR USER NAME/, and unsubscribe from each Topic that you wish to unsubscribe from.
I have been bombarded with demands to ‘unsubscribe me from your list’. As I have explained before – see immediately below, there is no ‘list’. Each person created their subscription and subscribed to Topics they either started themselves, or replied to them and added their subscription to that Topic.
Yesterday felt like a scene from ‘Train to Busan‘.
Let’s hope that everyone is doing well!
- Please Be Kind to All People and to All Living Beings
- Respect All Equally
- Be of Service
My Studio Policy in three points.
- Do No Harm
- Safety
- Results
30 June 2023 update
There is a temporary problem caused by too many emails being sent from the Private Forum, caused by new topics being posted in rapid succession. This has never happened before.
One of the problems is that many registered students – Licensed Healthcare Professionals – abandoned their email addresses and businesses during the COVID-19 Pandemic over the past 3+ years. I am in the process of cleaning up this disaster. What happens is that their email addresses keep bouncing back. Also, some of them marked my email address incorrectly as Spam, which caused the emails to bounce back and create problems for everyone else. This creates a flood of emails that exceeds the limits of what I can send out per Google Workspace rules.
These are registered Healthcare Professional students who cannot accept email at their email addresses. They had subscribed to our Private Forums before.
I am fixing it as quickly as possible – Update: FIXED! , but it will take about 24 hours to restore my ability to send out emails from my email address steve.davis@healinglight.info. For a technical explanation, please see this page. https://support.google.com/a/answer/1366776
Everything is working properly as far as new and existing CE Course orders, navigating and completing the CE Courses, grading, and everything else on my site. In the meantime, I will be sending out notifications of new orders, grading, and Certificates of Completion with my email address steve.davis@starperformer.org
Best Regards to All!
4 May 2023 update
I do not have any email mailing list that I send out, since before the COVID-19 Pandemic started in March 2020, over three years ago. The exception was one email that I sent out on the Winter Solstice 2020 to wish everyone well. Please do not send me messages asking me to unsubscribe you from any ‘mailing list’.
It is much easier for you to click on one link and do this yourself, than for us to try to do it for you, because we have to wade through over 1200 subscribers per Private Forum page by page. You can do it easily with one click per Private Forum, and there are only 2 Private Forums.
Please Be Kind to All People and to All Living Beings. The COVID-19 Pandemic has been very hard for all of us to deal with since March 2020.
All you need to do to subscribe/unsubscribe to the Ethics Private Forum or the Science Private Forum is to log in, go to the specific Private Forum, and click on one link. It will say subscribe/unsubscribe, depending on what you have set before. That’s it.
If you want to subscribe/unsubscribe to each topic, then go to that topic, and do the same.
That’s all there is to it. No mystery!
Thank you!
Best Regards!
9 March 2023 update
I have added two new CE Courses.
2023 Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker. 4 CE Contact Hours/Ethics
We had an issue with loading one particular topic: Cultural Competency CE Course 1 CE Contact Hour/Cultural Competency in the Private Forum. I have started a new topic Cultural Competency 2023 that is working properly.
We have a true wealth of information on this site, and in our Private Forums. I want to keep it safe, and to help people, as I always have.
This is a work of love. I have worked very hard over the years to create this repository of knowledge for humanity. It is enduring, and evergreen, always current with the times.
Yes, the Pandemic has been very difficult for the past 3 years. We must endure, and come out of this period of history to realize Love and Service to All. True Knowledge is from within and without, all One. Know yourself, others, and you will discover the meaning and purpose of Life.
My philosophy, life path, and this is the path of Yoga:
- Respect All People and All Living Beings Equally
- Be of Service
- Love All
My Studio Policy in three points:
- Do No Harm
- Safety
- Results
We are vigilant every day to keep everything operating efficiently.
We have 24/7 Support through LiveChat and ChatBot, with our Customer Support Agents, and Healing Light Bot 24/7. Reach out to us 24/7 if you have any questions or need help, and you will get an immediate response. We have had that level of customer service and support for many years. 24/7 Support.
Please let me know or any of our Support Agents know if you have any questions or need assistance.
Best Regards!
I am open and transparent about everything I do, and I am accountable for every thought, word, and action. If there is anything that you do not understand, or if you would like to talk to me directly about any matter, please let me know. Please be kind to each other and to all persons and to all living beings. Respect all equally. Find love in your heart and radiate and receive love.
Steve J Davis, RYT, LMT, BCTMB, NCBTMB APCE, CPP, CPP Liaison, FAA Remote Pilot sUAS, DTM
Founder and Owner, Healing Light Yoga and Massage
Tune into Life! Supreme Wellness, Power of Performance!
Mobile/Text (503) 724-2755. Fax (503) 200-1276. By Appointment Only.
Located in the heart of Hollywood, at 4036 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 204, Portland, OR 97212
Registered Yoga Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist
Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
NCBTMB Approved Provider
40+ years experience
YA #29243, OBMT #13099, BCTMB #512195-6, NPI #1124359088, NCBTMB Approved Provider #1122.
Here is a quote from me. Remember that you cannot fool a yogi.
Bodyworkers International, LLC
My Studio Policy in three points
- Do No Harm
- Safety
- Results
Explanation of credentials
- Registered Yoga Teacher
- Licensed Massage Therapist
- NCBTMB Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
- NCBTMB – National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork – Approved Provider of Continuing Education
- Distinguished Toastmaster
- Federal Aviation Administration Licensed Remote Pilot for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems – part 107
- Certified Professional Photographer
- Certified Professional Photographer Liaison
- Among others. Always keep learning, keep the credentials current.
Teaching and Learning are two sides of the same coin. True knowledge is Evergreen, always current with the times, relevant.
My philosophy, life path, and this is the path of Yoga:
- Respect All People and All Living Beings Equally
- Be of Service
- Love All