FAQ for Ethics CE Courses

Update 6 January 2025

Please see Login Instructions and CE Course Instructions for full information.

All of my CE Courses are Interactive Distance Learning Courses for CE Contact Hours in Science, Ethics, and Cultural Competency.

All Ethics CE Courses include Healthcare Provider licensing requirements for Continuing Education in Ethics, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Communication.

OBMT – Oregon Board of Massage Therapists

Continuing Education Requirements

Full text is copied below.

Earlier section of the FAQ is included below that. Everything is still valid except that the Contact Hours requirement for the State of Oregon LMT License renewal has been reduced from 15 CE Contact Hours to 8 CE Contact Hours. Supervised Learning, Supervised Education, Virtual Learning, In Person Learning has the same meaning as Interactive Distance Learning. CE Contact Hours has the same meaning as Supervised Hours, Supervised Learning. CE means Continuing Education.

See these links:
(44) “Supervised hours” means actual hours in class under the instruction of and in the physical presence of an instructor; or an interactive distance learning course.”

Board of Massage Therapists

Chapter 334

Division 10

Continuing Education

(1) The intent of Continuing Education is to protect the public by maintaining continued competency in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of massage or bodywork. Continued competence is the ongoing ability of a licensee to integrate and apply the knowledge, skills, judgment, and personal attributes required to practice safely and ethically.

(a) Each licensee must complete 25 hours of continuing education each renewal period.

(b) Of the 25 hours, at least 8 must be supervised continuing education. Of the 8 supervised hours, at least 4 must be in either Professional Ethics, Boundaries, or Communication. These hours must be obtained by participation in supervised learning as defined in 334-010-0050 (3)(a).

(c) Of the 25 hours, at least 1 must be in Cultural Competency.

(d) Of the 25 hours, at least once by a licensee’s next required continuing education reporting, a licensee must complete the Pain Management module as provided by the Oregon Pain Management Commission (OPMC). While this module is only required to be completed once, however, it can be repeated once every renewal and may be counted as continuing education hour(s).

(e) Each licensee must hold a current Basic Life Support (BLS) card.

(2) The continuing education hours must be from the following topics and within the scope of the license:

(a) Massage and bodywork techniques;

(b) Use of thermal modalities, topical preparations, over-the-counter massage tools;

(c) Active and passive range of motion and stretching techniques;

(d) Assessment of client’s soft tissue, posture, and movement patterns;

(e) Massage and bodywork business practices;

(f) Anatomy and physiology of the human body;

(g) Kinesiology of the human body;

(h) Pathology of the human body;

(i) Professional Ethics, Boundaries or Communication;

(j) Cultural competency as defined in ORS 413.45;

(k) Body mechanics;

(l) Somatic education;

(m) Basic Life Support (BLS);

(n) Pain Management as provided by the Oregon Pain Management commission (OPMC); or

(o) Massage and bodywork instructor training.

(3) The methods of obtaining continuing education in the topics listed in OAR 334-010-0050 (2) shall include:

(a) Participation in instructor supervised, formal learning courses, seminars, and workshops. A minimum of 8 of the required 25 hours must be from supervised education.

(A) These shall be provided by:

(i) a licensed or accredited massage and bodywork training program;

(ii) a provider recognized by a massage and bodywork professional organization;

(iii) an accredited institution of higher education;

(iv) a licensed healthcare provider, including an LMT or equivalent license;

(v) an American Heart Association (AHA) or OSHA compliant CPR provider.

(B) These may be delivered in person or by interactive distance learning. interactive distance learning is either a live online class, or a course where participants are required to interact with an instructor during the course through various formats such as electronic discussion boards, email, social media groups, or other methods of direct communication.

(C) These must have a syllabus that includes competencies covered and methods of assessment.

(b) Participation in unsupervised, informal learning presentations, teaching, media-based self-study, webinars, seminars, and OBMT meetings. A maximum of 17 of the required 25 hours may be from unsupervised education.

(A) These shall be provided by:

(i) a licensed or accredited massage and bodywork training program;

(ii) a provider recognized by a massage and bodywork professional organization;

(iii) an accredited institution of higher education;

(iv) a licensed healthcare provider, including an LMT or equivalent license;

(v) an American Heart Association (AHA) or (Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OHSA) compliant CPR provider;

(vi) OBMT Board or Committee meeting with a limit of 3 hours per renewal period. One credit hour will be given for each meeting.

(vii) Publishing an article relating to massage and bodywork.

(viii) Courses or lectures on massage and bodywork which a licensee presents. A licensee may receive credit for presenting a course or lecture only one time per renewal period regardless of how many times the licensee presents a course or lecture.

(B) These may be delivered in person or remotely.

(4) If the Continuing Education subject matter is not listed under OAR 334-010-0050(1) it will NOT be accepted for continuing education.

(5) The Oregon Board of Massage Therapists randomly selects a minimum of 10 percent of received monthly renewals for a continuing education audit.

(a) If selected for an audit the licensee will have 30 days to complete the audit form and submit copies (not originals) of their Continuing Education certificates.

(b) If the licensee fails to provide the requested information to the Board, within the 30 days, the Board may issue discipline per ORS 687.081 and 687.250.

(6) Continuing education must be completed within the renewal period as determined by the class’ completion date.

(a) Supervised hours taken and submitted during renewal in excess of the total number required may only be carried over to the next subsequent renewal period.

(b) Supervised hours taken in Professional Ethics, Boundaries and/or Communication in excess of the four hour requirement may be carried over to the next subsequent renewal period.

(7) The continuing education requirement does not apply to a licensee’s first license renewal. Continuing Education taken during the first renewal period must be submitted during the second renewal period

(8) Continuing education records must be maintained by each licensee for a minimum of five years.

(9) If the Board finds indications of fraud or falsification of records, investigative action shall be taken. Findings may result in disciplinary action up to and including revocation of the licensee’s license.

(10) Failure to complete continuing education hours by the time of renewal may result in revocation, suspension and/or denial of a license. Licensee has 30 days from date of notification of non- compliance to come into compliance. Failure to be in compliance may result in discipline of the license to practice massage.

(11) During a Governor of Oregon declared State of Emergency:

(a) Continuing education hours may be reduced from the current required hours to no fewer than the statutorily required hours as per ORS 687.051.

(b) The Board or their designee may authorize alternative methods of obtaining required continuing education hours through supervised and unsupervised hours. The subject matter of the continuing education hours must meet the requirements set forth in OAR 334-010-0050 (1) continuing education rules.

(c) The Board or their designee may utilize a period of up to one year to phase any adjusted rules back to normal requirements.

(d) This rule does not apply to the cultural competency continuing education subject matter requirements pursuant to ORS 676.850.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 687.081, 687.121 & 687.122
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 687.011, 687.051, 687.057, 687.061, 687.081, 687.086 & 687.121
BMT 1-2024, amend filed 05/08/2024, effective 07/01/2024
BMT 1-2023, amend filed 01/27/2023, effective 07/01/2023
BMT 1-2022, amend filed 05/20/2022, effective 07/01/2022
BMT 2-2021, amend filed 05/26/2021, effective 07/01/2021
BMT 1-2021, amend filed 02/02/2021, effective 02/02/2021
BMT 1-2020, minor correction filed 02/10/2020, effective 02/10/2020
BMT 2-2019, amend filed 12/10/2019, effective 01/01/2020
BMT 1-2019, amend filed 03/21/2019, effective 07/01/2019
BMT 1-2017, f. 5-23-17, cert. ef. 7-1-17
BMT 1-2016, f. 5-23-16, cert. ef. 7-1-16
BMT 2-2013, f. 11-26-13, cert. ef. 1-1-14
BMT 4-2011, f. 12-1-11, cert. ef. 1-1-12
BMT 3-2009, f. & cert. ef. 7-2-09
BMT 1-2009, f. 2-13-09, cert. ef. 3-1-09
BMT 1-2006, f. & cert. ef. 1-5-06
BMT 1-2005, f. & cert. ef. 2-23-05
BMT 3-2004(Temp), f.& cert. ef. 10-22-04 thru 4-19-05
Reverted to BMT 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 2-23-04
BMT 2-2004(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 3-16-04 thru 9-7-04
BMT 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 2-23-04
BMT 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 1-24-03
BMT 2-1998, f. & cert. ef. 7-22-98
BMT 1-1998(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 2-3-98 thru 7-31-98

Please use this link to bookmark or link to this rule.


Earlier section. UPDATED 10 December 2023

Question: Is the Ethics Course acceptable for my LMT License renewal in the State of Oregon? What about other States?

Answer: Yes, as stated. The Ethics Courses are accepted in every State that has an Ethics CE requirement. For Oregon, you must be present in the Interactive Distance Learning Course environment, and pass all the exams. For Board Certification renewal, the NCBTMB requires 3 CE Hours of Ethics. I am a NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education, teaching the Ethics Course.

All Ethics CE Courses include Healthcare Provider licensing requirements for Continuing Education in Ethics, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Communication.

The State of Oregon requires 4 CE Contact Hours of Professional Ethics, Boundaries and/or Communication. Other States require 1, 2, 3, or 4 CE Hours of Ethics per renewal period. I have designed the 7 Ethics CE Courses to meet all of these requirements.

Check your State to see the requirements. Here is a resource to locate your State Licensing Board. For a list of the State Massage Board requirements for Ethics CE Hours by State.
State CE Requirements

What this means. Interactive Distance Learning is considered CONTACT HOURS. Interactive Distance Learning is not defined in the Oregon Administrative Rules. UPDATE: Yes, it is.

OAR 334-001-0060

(44) “Supervised hours” means actual hours in class under the instruction of and in the physical presence of an instructor; or an interactive distance learning course.”

Earlier section continued…

However, I have a recent written interpretation from the Director of the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists as follows:

“Interactive distance learning supports regular and substantive interaction between the students and the instructor, either synchronously or asynchronously, as well as student-to-student interaction. A simple scoring of test or quiz does not constitute substantive interaction. The student must engage in a dialogue with the instructor and fellow students.”

From NCBTMB: “Distant Learning is defined as courses that are held in a distant location but there is direct communication during the course between the instructor and participants. Communication between the instructor and participants may be by phone, interactive webinar or website. All of the criteria for live courses is replicated in webinars.”

What this means is that you must participate in our course in the way that we have always done in the course, with a change. I am dropping the Live Webinars which require everyone to be online in a meeting room together 4 hours at a certain time, which has been scheduled 5 times per week for the past 4 months, since July. All of my CE Courses are Interactive Distance Learning Courses, or they can be taken as Home Study Courses. I also teach Live Webinars, and Live Courses. If you need to take the Ethics Course as a Live Webinar, then please contact me to schedule it.

Asynchronous means that you can take the course at anytime that is convenient for you, at the rate that you wish to take the course.

Synchronous means that you must take the course only when it is scheduled, and be present for the entire 4 hours, or the length of the course.

I am changing the course format so that you do not have to be there the entire 4 hours at once.

You can take the course at at any time. The course is accepted as contact hours, and the course meets the requirements for your license renewal in the State of Oregon and every State Licensing Board that requires Continuing Education for Healthcare Licence renewal in Ethics, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Communication. All Ethics CE Courses include Healthcare Provider licensing requirements for Continuing Education in Ethics, Professional Roles and Boundaries, and Communication.

It is very important that you communicate with me and other students in the

Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker Course Forum

If you are not logged in to the site, it will return a error message: Error 404 – Page not found!

For Home Study, you may take the course at any time. You must complete all 5 Lessons in order to pass the Course. If you need credit for the Interactive Distance Learning Course (Contact Hours), you must participate in the Private: Private: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker Course Forum. as well as correspond with the Instructor in Lesson 5.

Remember: We are colleagues supporting each other in our field of Therapeutic Massage Therapy and Bodywork. Communication among colleagues is a very important aspect of Ethics.

Please make a post there, as many as needed, and complete Lesson 5. I will respond to you there and privately, as appropriate.

Correspondence with the Instructor: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker

I will still continue to have Live Webinars, as they are very useful in teaching, but they will be scheduled for special occasions. If you require a Live Webinar in your State for your CE Hours, then let me know, and we will schedule it. Regulations change and I will always be current and available to meet every requirement needed to be in full compliance.

I am available by Zoom online meeting and in person for consultations, public speaking, and other services. You can book appointments with me here.

I have stated this clearly in many places on the site, including in the videos, and at the Course product page, Course page, and on the Lesson 1 page. Here is the reference from the State of Oregon.


334-001-0060 Definitions

(14) “Contact hours” means actual hours in class under the instruction of and in the physical presence of an instructor; or an interactive distance learning course.

334-010-0050 Continuing Education

(1) The intent of Continuing Education is to protect the public by maintaining knowledge and skills of massage and/or bodywork. Each licensee must complete 25 hours of continuing education each renewal period. The continuing education hours must be from the following topics:

(A) Massage and bodywork techniques;

(B) Use of thermal modalities, topical preparations, mechanical assistive; devices/appliances;

(C) Stretching and gymnastics that lengthen and shorten soft tissues;

(D) Posture and movement assessment;

(E) Massage and bodywork business practices;

(F) Anatomy and physiology of the human body;

(G) Kinesiology of the human body;

(H) Pathology of the human body;

(I) Professional Ethics, Boundaries or Communication;

(J) Cultural competency

(K) Body mechanics;

(L) Somatic education; or

(M) CPR/First Aid.

(a) At renewal time, each licensee must sign and submit a Board supplied CE form indicating they have completed 25 hours of continuing education. The Board may require proof of CE hours.

(b) Of the 25 hours, at least 15 must be contact hours of continuing education training or Board approved activities. At least 4 contact hours must be in Professional Ethics, Boundaries and/or Communication. The remaining 10 of 25 hours maybe contact or noncontact hours.

(2) The methods of obtaining continuing education contact hours shall include:

(a) Attendance of courses, seminars, and workshops sponsored, certified by a licensed or accredited massage and bodywork training program;

(b) Attendance of courses or activities for continuing education offered by a provider recognized by a massage and bodywork professional organization;

(c) Attendance of courses provided by an accredited institution of higher education if topics are listed in OAR 334-010-0050(1)(A-M).

(d) Attendance of courses, seminars, and workshops that meets the content requirement of OAR 334-010-0050(1)(A-M).

(e) Individual interactive distance learning study courses with subject matter that is listed in OAR 334-010-0050(1)(E-J).

(f) Courses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation/first aid if taken in the presence of an instructor;

(g) Providing Board requested peer supervision or Board exam proctoring; One hour of CE contact credit will be given for each meeting/day.

(h) Attendance at an Oregon Board of Massage Therapists board meeting, board committee meeting, board task force or serving on these committees/task forces. One hour of CE contact credit will be given for each meeting.

(3) The methods of obtaining continuing education non-contact hours shall include:

(a) Publishing an article relating to massage and bodywork;

(b) Self-study based on media (i.e. book/video, periodical, web based, DVD);

(c) Courses or lectures on massage and bodywork which a licensee presents. A licensee may receive credit for presenting a course or lecture only one time per renewal period regardless of how many times the licensee presents the course or lecture.

(4) If the Continuing Education subject matter is not listed under OAR 334-010-0050(1) it will not be accepted for continuing education.


Question: What happens in the Interactive Distance Learning Course?

Answer: We go through all 5 Lessons for the Course. You are welcome to ask any questions, make comments, talk to the other students and to me.

We are colleagues supporting each other in our field of Therapeutic Massage Therapy and Bodywork.

The exams can be taken after each Lesson, or anytime. Make sure and Submit the Quiz after answering the questions. If you do not pass, just reset the Quiz, and try it again.

Lesson 5 is a correspondence lesson between you and me, the instructor.

I keep attendance and communication records and keep transcripts. You are welcome to your transcript and Certificate of Completion upon completing the Course and at any time, by logging in, and going to the My Courses page. Check Active Courses, or Completed Courses.

Your Certificate of Completion is located at the My Courses page. Make sure that you click on Completed Courses >View Certificate. You can download it. It is a PDF file.

Your transcript is also there, at View Results. Click on View Results to see your grade per lesson and overall grade for the course. You can take a screenshot of it, or copy it.

You must be logged in. The login link is at the bottom of the Courses Overview menu. It will say Login if you are not logged in, and Logout if you are logged in.

Let me know if you have any questions, and you are always welcome to contact me about the Ethics Course, and any of my courses. You always have access to all courses that you have completed, and that you are actively taking on my site.

During the Course, and afterwards, keep in touch with the other students and myself in our Private: Private: Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker Course Forum.

If you are not logged in to the site, it will return a error message: Error 404 – Page not found!

Remember: We are colleagues supporting each other in our field of Therapeutic Massage Therapy and Bodywork. Communication among colleagues is a very important aspect of Ethics.


Question: I cannot find the login info,  the Course, the Lesson, the next Lesson, the Quiz, my Results, the password for the video, my Certificate of Completion, etc. When I go to My Courses, it tries to say that I have no Active Courses, and wants me to start another course. Your site does not work correctly. I am sending you private messages, emails, and phone calls because I cannot find this information. Why is it not there, why does it not work?

Answer: Everything is right there at the proper place. Please read what is there before assuming that the site does not work, or that there is any problem at all.

The computer is just following your directions.

On the My Courses page, please click on Active Courses if you have not completed your Course, and on Completed Courses if you want to download your Certificate of Completion, see View Results (Your Transcript). There is a link for each one of these. Please read what is there before making assumptions that it does not work. I will help you if there is any problem. Thank you.

Note: One student sent me over 20 messages, having problem after problem. In every single case, she did not bother to read what was right in front of her, and she kept sending me messages telling me that it was not working correctly.

Please think about the other students in the class having their course interrupted. If you are creating numerous problems by not following directions; I may not be able to help you with every single one of them, as it interrupts the entire class.


Question: I am angry that I must take the Ethics CE Hours to renew my License. It is your fault, and I am yelling at you in class about it.

Answer: I did not require Ethics as CE hours. The Licensing Board of each State does that. For Board Certification renewal, the NCBTMB requires 3 CE Hours of Ethics. I am a NCBTMB Approved Provider of Continuing Education, teaching the Ethics Course. The State of Oregon requires 4 CE Hours of Professional Ethics, Boundaries and/or Communication. Other States require 1, 2, 3, or 4 CE Hours of Ethics per renewal period. I have designed the 7 Ethics CE Courses to meet all of these requirements.


Question: You say that Marijuana is a Drug. Marijuana is not a Drug. Marijuana is a Medicine, not a Drug. It is legal to use Marijuana in Oregon, so you cannot call it a Drug.

Answer: The word Drug is defined as Medicine. The two words are synonymous. Another fact is that Drug use by Therapists and Clients is specifically mentioned in the NCBTMB Standards of Practice.

I also discuss the use of Drugs by Clients and Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers in this Course, in my Case Studies with this Course, in my Studio Policy form, and in my Client Intake and Record form. I do not permit anyone to be in my Yoga and Massage Studio if they are impaired under the influence of Drugs.

The use of Drugs is outside the Scope of Practice for Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers.

There are many references to the definition and origin of the word Drug. Here is one from Wikipedia.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaledinjectedsmokedconsumedabsorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body.[2][3]

In pharmacology, a pharmaceutical drug, also called a medication or medicine, is a chemical substance used to treatcureprevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote well-being.[2] Traditionally drugs were obtained through extraction from medicinal plants, but more recently also by organic synthesis.[4] Pharmaceutical drugs may be used for a limited duration, or on a regular basis for chronic disorders.[5]

Pharmaceutical drugs are often classified into drug classes—groups of related drugs that have similar chemical structures, the same mechanism of action (binding to the same biological target), a related mode of action, and that are used to treat the same disease.[6][verification needed][7] The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC), the most widely used drug classification system, assigns drugs a unique ATC code, which is an alphanumeric code that assigns it to specific drug classes within the ATC system. Another major classification system is the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. This classifies drugs according to their solubility and permeability or absorption properties.[8]

Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect the function of the central nervous system, altering perceptionmood or consciousness.[9]They include alcohol, a depressant (and a stimulant in small quantities), and the stimulants nicotine and caffeine. These three are the most widely consumed psychoactive drugs worldwide[10] and are also considered recreational drugs since they are used for pleasure rather than medicinal purposes.[11] Other recreational drugs include hallucinogensopiates and amphetamines and some of these are also used in spiritual or religious settings. Some drugs can cause addiction [12] and all drugs can have side effects.[13] Excessive use of stimulants can promote stimulant psychosis. Many recreational drugs are illicit and international treaties such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs exist for the purpose of their prohibition.


In English, the noun “drug” is thought to originate from Old French “drogue”, possibly deriving later into “droge-vate” from Middle Dutch meaning “dry barrels”, referring to medicinal plants preserved in them.[14] The transitive verb “to drug” (meaning intentionally administer a substance to someone, often without their knowledge) arose later and invokes the psychoactive rather than medicinal properties of a substance.[15]


Main articles: Pharmaceutical drug and Drug class

medication or medicine is a drug taken to cure or ameliorate any symptoms of an illness or medical condition. The use may also be as preventive medicine that has future benefits but does not treat any existing or pre-existing diseases or symptoms. Dispensing of medication is often regulated by governments into three categories—over-the-counter medications, which are available in pharmacies and supermarkets without special restrictions; behind-the-counter medicines, which are dispensed by a pharmacist without needing a doctor’s prescription, and prescription only medicines, which must be prescribed by a licensed medical professional, usually a physician.[16]


Steve J. Davis, RYT, LMT, BCTMB
Founder and Owner, Healing Light Yoga and Massage
By Appointment Only. 
Phone (503) 724-2755, Fax (503) 200-1276
Located in the heart of Hollywood, at 4036 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 204, Portland, OR 97212

  • Creator: Present Moment Program, Assessment of Posture and Musculoskeletal Balance Course, Ethics for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker, Cultural Competency for the Professional Massage Therapist and Bodyworker and All Healthcare and Wellness Professionals.
  • Registered Yoga Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist.
  • Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
  • 50+ years experience.


YA #29243, OBMT #13099, BCTMB #512195-6, NPI #1124359088, NCBTMB Approved Provider #1122.

“Steve Davis is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider and is also sponsored by NCBTMB to teach New York LMTs continuing education that is accepted by the state of New York for license renewal.”

I am available by Zoom online meeting and in person for consultations, public speaking, and other services. You can book appointments with me here: Contact Us