Founder and Owner, Healing Light Yoga and Massage
Tune into Life! Supreme Wellness, Power of Performance!Mobile/Text (503) 724-2755. Fax (503) 200-1276. By Appointment Only.
Located in the heart of Hollywood, at 4036 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 204, Portland, OR 97212
· Registered Yoga Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist
· Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
· NCBTMB Approved Provider.
· 40+ years experience.
YA #29243, OBMT #13099, BCTMB #512195-6, NPI #1124359088, NCBTMB Approved Provider #1122.
Here is a quote from me. Remember that you cannot fool a yogi.

Healing Light Yoga and Massage
medical massage therapy yoga
Healing Light Yoga and Massage is located in Hollywood at 4036 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 4, Portland, OR 97212. Hours 9am to 7pm Mon – Fri, Sat, Sun, 9am to 5pm, by appointment only. Call to schedule (503) 724-2755, or schedule online.
Private Yoga Sessions, Massage Therapy, Private Yoga with Focused Massage Therapy, Medical Massage Therapy. Accepted Insurance Plans: Auto Insurance for Motor Vehicle Accidents, Major Medical Insurance, Workers Compensation Insurance, Out of Network Provider.
About Steve Davis and Healing Light Yoga and Massage: 40+ years of experience teaching Yoga and Supreme Ultimate Fist – T’ai Chi Ch’uan. 8+ years of experience teaching and performing Massage Therapy, ten modalities. Healing Light Yoga is an integration of Royal Yoga, Supreme Ultimate Fist, Dance, Climbing, and Posture Alignment. Massage Therapy is an integration of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Structural Alignment, Zen Shiatsu, Traditional Thai, Chinese including Acupressure, Tui Na, Sports, Medical, Hot Stone, Ice.
*Chair only, clothed only
**Table or Mat, clothed or draped only
***Medical Massage Therapy, by Prescription only, download prescription form: Prescription form for your doctor
Motor Vehicle Accident PIP claims accepted. Major Medical, Worker’s Compensation. Out of Network provider.
Medical Massage Therapy
Medical Massage Therapy: Any of the following Physician’s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) procedures and/or modalities, which are within this Therapist’s scope of practice, training, and/or State, and/or Patient’s Insurance Policy regulations, may be used as Therapist deems necessary during any treatment session. Normally four units are allowed per session. One Unit = 15 minutes. Conditions or prescription may require more units.
Therapist’s Procedures and Modalities
97010 Hot/Cold pack Therapy (Hydrotherapy)
97140 Manual Therapy Techniques
97112 Neuromuscular Reeducation
97124 Massage Therapy
97110 Passive/Active Stretching
97799 Unlisted Physical Medicine Rehab Service or Procedure
(By Report)
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For Physician’s Diagnostic Codes, see prescription form.
Private Yoga and Massage Therapy Sessions
The primary focus in my clinic is to help you to relieve pain, relax, focus, and find your power. If you are experiencing pain, stress, feeling tired, not sleeping well, these and other symptoms may be caused by a problem with your posture.
Healing Light Yoga and Massage is about you and your awareness of your body, mind, spirit, and the world within and around you.
* Learn natural movement with graceful power, speed, and focus through my fusion of YOGA, T’AI CHI CH’UAN, AND NEUTRAL POSTURE AWARENESS.
* Realize your power, focus your mind, increase energy, and find your purpose in life.
* Increase balance, stamina, strength, flexibility, awareness, relaxation, internal and external power.